
Best Websites To Make Money Taking Surveys

That's so Money
Money Mag recently came out with their list of best money websites, so I thought I'd share 'em around and see what you all think. Along with my own two pennies, of course.

You would have thought that after 2 months of heavy research they'd have at least mentioned the all-time BEST site in it though (BudgetsAreSexy – duh!) but I suppose they must have overlooked it ;) Whatever, I'll continue reading your silly little financial mag…you've already got me hooked!

The 20 Best Money Websites:

  1. – If you're wondering if you need to save more for retirement. (?)
  2. – If you're wondering if you have the right mix of investments. (popular one)
  3. – If you're wondering if your portfolio is too risky. Love the name :)
  4. – If you're looking to find your next stock pick. Google is everywhere!
  5. – If you're wondering if it's time to dump your rewards card. What a site name! I'd visit just based on that…who isn't a nerd reading this right now?
  6. – If you're wondering how to cut spending and save more. Mad respect for the Mint team! They have one of the best budgeting platforms around…and noticed I said "platforms" here. We all know who has the best budgeting spreadsheets ;))
  7. – If you're wondering how good your credit is. They're also one of my sponsors :)
  8. – If you're looking for a better-paying savings account. Another place I've partnered up with before! Those guys are really funny too – check out their blog –> Shrinkage Is Good
  9. – If you're wondering which neighborhood you should live in. (Sounds kinda creepy to me… like someone's peeking through your windows or someting! haha…)
  10. – If you're looking for sellers ready to deal. Have heard great things about this site.
  11. – If you're wondering if you should hire a contractor or not. If your name is J. Money, then YES. Always.
  12. – If you're looking for the best doctors in your network (I think I'm too lazy for this)
  13. – If you're wondering which hospital you should go to. Or if you're a guy – the closest one ;)
  14. – If you're looking to find your next job. Also: Twitter, Facebook, Craigslist, blogs.
  15. iTunes U – If you're wondering how to keep your skills sharp. As in, iTunes, iTunes.
  16. – If you're wondering what the best price you can get on a car. (What about KBB?)
  17. – If you're looking for the best price on electronics. And I agree. Definitely NOT Best Buy, although it still doesn't stop me from walking in there ;)
  18. – If you're wondering how to pay less for everyday stuff. (It seems that the best places also have the best (and most generic) site names too, eh?)
  19. – If you're wondering how you can save on your flight. Which is funny considering what would happen if you actually tried to fly in one!
  20. – If you're wondering if you should give to a specific charity. I agree with this one 100%! GREAT site that I'm glad is around to ward off all those hacks.

They also listed their 4 favorite iPhone apps:

  1. ATM HUNTER – For finding the nearest ATM that won't cost an arm and a leg.
  2. REALTOR.COM – For finding out how much houses go for. (I use this every other day!)
  3. REDLASER – If you're wondering if that price you're looking at in the store is a good deal. (Just downloaded after reading! Haven't tried it out yet, but I'm excited to.)
  4. IXPENSEIT – If you need to hold on to your receipts but you always lose them.

What do you guys think? They leave any great sites or apps out? It'll be interesting to see what pops up on their list next time. So many awesome and creative sites show up every year – it's so cool we're a part of this online information age!

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Best Websites To Make Money Taking Surveys


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